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The Wheel of Life (2022)

The Wheel of Life (2022)
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The Wheel of Life (2022)

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Watch The Wheel of Life (2022) : Full Movie Online Free Tan is a ring craftsman working for a souvenir workshop in a small village, or at least that is what Yahya, his grandson, knows. Yahya is growing child who ask lots of questions to his grandfather, especially his parents’ identities. All puzzles are solved slowly as they face problems in a journey they take to deliver Tan’s painting.
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0 PG Indonesia Mahakarya Pictures, D'Ayu Pictures Trailer
Main Actors:
Muzakki Ramdhan
Ahmad Tarmimi Siregar
Tan Almaturi
Adinda Thomas
Randy Pangalila
Gilang Dirga
Ricky Komo
Garin Mosque Keeper
Angelica Petra
Adiezty Fersa
Special Apperance of Bidder
Upiak Isil
Angry Mother
Aryan Petra
Toddler Yahya
Azlinda Zubir
Granny Piah
Irfan Guchi
(Young) Tan
Directed by:
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